DSU Research Day
Annual Delaware State University Research Day
Delaware State University is pleased to announce that the Annual Delaware State University Research Day will be held on campus on Wednesday, April 9, 2025.
Delaware State University Research Day is an annual college-wide event that brings together students across academic disciplines to showcase the diverse areas of research taking place at the University.
The DSU Research Day is the primary outreach activity sponsored by the School of Graduate, Adult and Extended Studies, Office of Undergraduate Research Experiential Learning and Honors (URELAH), Faculty Research Committee and Graduate Student Association.
The event is free to all DSU students, faculty and community participants; however, student presenters must register by March 24, 2025.
Undergraduate and Graduate students planning to present a poster presentation must submit their poster by March 24, 2025. Abstracts for the posters must be submitted through the registration page at the time of registration.
All Graduate Students, Honors Students and Undergraduate Students planning to present an oral presentation must submit abstracts through the registration page at the time of registration.
All abstracts must be received by March 24, 2025.
Late submissions will not be accepted.
Contact Information:
- Faculty and Research Scientists with inquiries should contact Dr. Hakeem O. Lawal, Ph.D., Vice Chair of the Faculty Research Committee and Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, at hlawal [at] desu.edu.
- Faculty and Graduate Students with questions regarding DSU Research Day logistics, scheduling, or moderators should contact the Office of Graduate Studies and Research at researchday [at] desu.edu.
- Undergraduate Students should contact the Office of Undergraduate Research, Experiential Learning and Honors (URELAH) at spoe [at] desu.edu if there are questions.
- Dr. Gulnihal Ozbay, CAST Associate Dean, DSU Research Day Logistics, Scheduling, Moderators’ Coordination & Panels, gozbay [at] desu.edu.
Abstract Guidelines
Guidelines for Submitting Abstracts for Oral and Poster Presentations:
Abstracts should be 350 words or less, typed, and single-spaced with 10-point font using Times New Roman. The title should be bold with all major words in the title capitalized. Do not use full capitalization for all words. Allow one single space following the title and list the author(s) names, followed by faculty advisor(s) name and department affiliation, university name, city, state, and zip code.
Your abstract should include:
- Introductory Statement
- Purpose or Problem Statement
- Methodology, Procedure, or Approach
- Major Results or Findings
- Conclusion
If your activity was funded then please acknowledge your funders at the end of the abstract. This will not be considered a part of the 350 word limit. Skip one line following the conclusion of the abstract, begin with Funder Acknowledgement(s).
Funder Acknowledgement Example: This study was supported in part by the MBRS RISE Program at DSU funded by NIGMS and by DSU Department of Biological Sciences.
Abstract submissions should follow formatting instructions. It is an expectation that all abstracts will appear in the program booklet as submitted and therefore should be error free and will not be revised.
Abstracts should include the following information at the bottom of the page:
- Names, email addresses and telephone numbers for author(s) and research advisor(s)
- Presentation format: Oral or Poster
- Program area:
- Agro-Sciences
- Arts and Humanities
- Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Biological Sciences
- Computer and Information Sciences
- Education
- Mathematical Sciences
- Physical Sciences and Engineering
- Business Management and Human Services
Abstracts for the DSU Research Day must be received by close of business on March 24, 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Please note: If you are presenting with a team, only one participant will need to submit the abstract. All other team members must register for the event without submitting the abstract.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
Please send the final electronic version of your presentation, in Power Point format through vfairs registration. We will not alter or change it for you after submission. Poster presentations must be received before or by the close of business on March 24, 2025. Presentations submitted after this date will not be accepted.
Training for presenting with the vFairs virtual platform will be available shortly.
Oral Presentation Guidelines
Oral Presentations can consist of case studies, projects, papers, completed or in-progress research, research proposals, capstones etc.
All Oral Presenters will have 10 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions and answers. There will be a moderator in each room to help presenters stay on course with the timeliness of the presentations.
If you are presenting with a team, only one participant will need to submit the abstract. All other team members must register for the event without submitting the abstract.
Late abstract submissions will not be accepted.
Training for presenting with the vFairs virtual platform will be available shortly.